You are most welcome to Building BloQs' Open House 2020!

This year Building BloQs will be participating in the Open House London 2020 festival virtually, from 19-27 September!
There will be live 'Meet the Maker' sessions with some of our members hosted by a BloQs co-founder on Saturday 19 September, so you can still ask all the searching questions we usually get asked by visitors.
Check our our range of video tours of the facilities we have available, and click through to see more of our amazing machinery - at BloQs you really can make just about anything!
Come 2021, we will be in our brand new buildings and we look forward to welcoming you back onto the factory floor, but in the mean time grab a cup of tea and settle into your favourite chair as we take you through the round window for a look behind the scenes at Building BloQs!