Make BloQs your making home
You’re probably very familiar with seeing a few super pimped out workspaces in the BloQs workshops with their own clamp racks, shelves, lighting rigs, cupboards and shadow boards. These spaces belong to Members that have reached the conclusion that getting a space long-term is the way forward. We asked a few of them about what’s good about going long term.
“Long term is simply cheaper” says Anthony Ali and Bohdan Hromyk agrees. “I used to lose so much time packing up and moving in and out. Now I save all that time, and as they say, time is money.” Bohdan explains that he experimented taking a bay monthly and after a while figured it was simply more cost effective for him to get his own bay. Ed Collinson is the most succinct about the deciding factor. “Price”.
And they’re all quite right. A quick dab on a calculator, reveals that going long term is roughly 40% cheaper than the day rate over a year. But reduced costs are not the only benefit the group agrees on.
“It comes down to networking for me.” Says Anthony. “When If I’m here more, I get to know more people, they get to know me more, so they’re much more likely to offer me work.” Ed adds that “It’s easier to get to know people who have skills I need” and Bohdan chimes in saying “I meet more people which means it’s easier to develop relationships. When you know each other, you share more information and you help each other more. That’s the way it works, right?”
Getting organised seems to be a common theme too. Anthony explains that customising his space means he has everything in its place and a place for everything. “It means I can be organised and that makes me way more productive. It’s a big plus.”
Between them they mention how they’d learned new skills, made friends, are more connected in the community, feel more secure, and generally get more out of BloQs by moving to long term use. Bohdan doesn’t hesitate in recommending it: “Absolutely, it’s easier and it saves money. For me it’s the only way that makes sense and I’m happy.” He adds “I concentrate on my work more because I like the atmosphere at BloQs.”
It seems there’s a whole heap of things to recommend going long term and there are currently have a few workspaces available. If you’ve been considering it, there couldn’t be a better time as there's a range to choose from. Speak to Front of House Team today and we’ll get you sorted with your own customisable corner. How will you pimp yours?