The Future of BloQs

With the help of Enfield Council & The Mayor of London Building BloQs is moving to our new home in Meridian Water. Won't you join us?
Construction is complete, most of the machines are here and we seriously could not be any more excited! We've been sharing regular galleries of the build here on our website, so do have a browse.
With a very generous £1.35 million from the Mayor of London, match funded and more by Enfield Council, we've been able to build a beautiful new home.
The articles below can also provide you with the back story of our move as well as details of the wider Meridian Water regeneration project. Please do get in touch if you'd like to learn more, and take a look here to see how you can get started making with us. If you're not already a member, we'd be glad to welcome you.
30 April 2021
The transformation continues at 'That New Place Over the Road' (wink, wink) and we couldn't be more excited to tell you all about it!
The floors are being finished, and we must admit that smooth and flat is the way forward. (Isn't it?) Now, look up, and up and up...those new ceilings go on for illusory miles with swathes of bright, white beams overhead. And your new home is now painted on the outside too, wearing a tidy coat of grey. In all it's the perfect canvas for your ideas, your energy, your amazing projects to come.
Going in as we type are our new environmentally-friendly Biomass boiler and extraction systems.
That amazing dream of BloQs 2.0 is getting brighter every day. Come live it with us, won't you?